Home Sweet Home Properties: Excellence Personified in Real Estate

Theresa Bruno, the dynamic force behind Home Sweet Home Properties, Inc. (HSH Properties), has transformed it into a significant player in Westchester County's real estate industry. Her journey, beginning with a youthful fascination for architecture and homes, culminated in the establishment of HSH Properties in 2004.

Marked by dedication, efficiency, and unparalleled professionalism, Theresa's work has gained recognition from media outlets like Fox 5 News and the Westchester County Journal News. Furthermore, the Westchester Board of Realtors has repeatedly acknowledged her excellence in the field. She's a respected member of esteemed organizations including the National Association of Realtors, the New York State Association of Realtors, and the Westchester-Putnam Association of Realtors.

At HSH Properties, each client is cherished for their uniqueness. Theresa crafts individual plans to suit their specific real estate needs, backed by top-notch marketing services that cater to property requirements in the Westchester Sound Shore and River Town areas.

Our dedication to excellence is exemplified through our strict adherence to the following commitments:

  • Upholding the Realtor Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice
  • Regular updates on market conditions and trends
  • Continual learning through advanced training
  • Listening actively and understanding client needs
  • Consistent communication for prompt and ongoing service

At HSH Properties, we don't just aim to meet your expectations, but strive to exceed them through superior service. Under Theresa Bruno's leadership, we're poised to help you find your dream home in Westchester County.